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a cute and compact robot called uCat smiles bashfully

Reimagine  reality

We have eyes  and ears to perceive reality; speech and hands to interact with it. uCat digitizes both streams to unleash the potential of human thought.

Our Product

uCat App (v0)

Train with uCat to restore your speech. Use it to practice conversing and explore the virtual world.

vector lineart of a brain

Our Idea

Paralysis stops your brain from commanding your body. But before that happens, certain implants can extract your brain's commands.

We then turn these commands into actions for a Virtual Reality avatar, your new virtual body, so you can express yourself again.

When you get used to this, we connect you to countless virtual worlds where your friends, family, and colleagues await you.

Set your mind free with uCat.

Interested? Register here 👇

How can we help?

As a person attempts to move, an intracranial motor brain-computer interface acquires the neural activity of thousands of cortical neurons and decodes it into behavior such as speech or arm movement. Aiding such complex technology successfully translate from the lab into the clinic, we offer the following products and services:

Behaviorally-diverse participant training tasks in a controlled immersive environment. Study-tailored tasks, decoders, close-loop metrics, and protocols.

lineart of a research paper

For researchers

Embodied virtual avatars through which one can intuitively express themselves across the breadth of generally available virtual experiences.

vector illustration of a person enjoying virtual reality

For patients

Simulation environments for activities and situations of daily living. Automated and engaging participant training during pivotal trials. Increased patient population and HRQoL weight.

vector lineart of a brain

For companies

Developed for End Users

uCat stands on the shoulders of giants who dedicate lifetimes to basic science. Expanding their work into consumer products, however, necessitates accounting risks only experienced outside of the lab. Our team is proud to bake decades of industry-oriented and user-centric practices into our solutions.

Ian Burkhart
BCI Pioneer

Our first podcast features paralysis survivor and clinical trial legend Ian, who advised us on how we can improve BCI technology.

black and white image of uCat's CEO looking off into the distance


Sam is the powerhouse of the cell. Commercializing digital biotech products from startup to enterprise he always knows which lever to pull for delivering results.

black and white photo of uCat's lead machine learning scientist, smiling, with a valley behind him

Oliver Lead ML Scientist

Leading our open-source efforts of applying modern Machine Learning to neural data, Oliver's expertise extends well into neuroscience through endeavors like uncovering computational properties of cognitive disorders at CU Irving Medical Center.

Quirin Lead VR Developer

Using his systems design, C#, and 3D programming expertise, Quirin has led teams to develop fault-free XR apps for Apple Vision Pro, Meta Quests, SteamVR, and AR devices.

black and white photo of uCat's lead developer smiling against a brick wall

Luke VR Developer

Luke is a rare breed having already developed a VR rehabilitation app once before. Inside and outside of uCat, Luke actively researches the crossover between VR and biomarkers of flow states.

black and white photo of uCat's lead artist smiling at the camera

Cai Lead Creative

A versatile expert in games, film, and marketing, Cai leads uCat's creative endeavors. She transforms uCat from medical device software into an engaging patient-centric experience.

Further reading

Grounded in Science

Overpromising can generate short-term attention but ultimately decelerates progress. At uCat, we empathize with patients with stifled hopes and are deliberately rigorous and transparent about our claims and solutions.

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